Tiny Footprints

Have you heard of the Tiny Footprints Project? Chances are, you haven't. But everyone should know about it! This is an organization that uses volunteer photographers to offer free sessions to families with babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (premies!). There are over 300 photographers in both Canada and the United States involved in this project. I love to be able to offer this session. It's heart breaking and heart warming at the same time, to see these little babies fighting to grow strong and overcome the odds! 

Here is little boy J. He is just starting his journey in the hospital, and has about two more months to go. He seemed to enjoy his very first photo shoot, allowing us to get some wide awake shots, and some cute and sleepy photos. Even a smile or too! Keep growin' strong little guy! 

This is the third session I've done through this organization and I can't wait for more! What a rewarding and fun experience! 

Help spread the word! Do you work in a hospital? Giving birth soon? Know someone with a baby in the NICU? Or are you a photographer looking to get involved?? Send anyone interested in the project here: www.thetinyfootprintsproject.org or on Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheTinyFootprintsProject